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- 9.0 更新至4集
- 主演:AkshayKapoor BiditaBag ManojBajpayee 阿里·法扎勒 AkanshaRanjanKapoor HarshvardhanKapoor RadhikaMadan
- 导演:瓦桑·巴拉 阿布舍克·肖贝
- 短评:Fromasatiretoapsychologicalthriller,fourshortstoriesfromcelebratedauteurandwriterSatyajitRayareadaptedforthescreeninthis
- 3.0 4集全
- 主演:Akshay Kapoor Bidita Bag Manoj Bajpayee 阿里·法扎勒 Akansha Ranjan Kapoor Harshvardhan Kapoor Radhika Madan
- 导演:瓦桑·巴拉 阿布舍克·肖贝 史瑞吉特·穆克吉
- 短评:From a satire to a psychological thriller, four short stories from celebrated auteur and writer Satyajit Ray are adapted